Professional Honorees

Texas Academy of Science Fellows

Each year at the annual meeting, the Society has the opportunity to invite individuals who have made substantial contributions in the areas of teaching, research and service in any area of science in Texas to become a Fellow in the Academy.  Initial nominations and seconds for new Fellows come from existing Fellows and can be submitted to the current Vice President of TAS.  A nomination consists of 1) a brief CV of the nominee and 2) a letter outlining the nominee's qualifications and contributions to science in Texas and TAS in particular.

Distinguished Texas Scientists

Each year the Board of Directors of the Texas Academy of Science honors one of our colleagues as the Distinguished Texas Scientist. This honor reflects distinguished contributions to science through research and publication that has garnered recognition at the national and international level. Candidates must have spent a significant portion of their professional careers in Texas. 

Outstanding Texas Educators

 Each year TAS recognizes a mathematics or science teacher from Texas as the Outstanding Texas Educator.  The selection of this award is made by the TAS Board of Directors from candidates for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) and the award is presented in early March at our annual meeting.